The Transport of the Radioactive Material on the Sea-Technologies and Measures for Reduction of Radioactive Pollution in the Seas

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C.S. Mihailovici


Albert Einstein: “The phenomenon of radioactivity is the most revolutionary force of technical progress, the discovery of fire by prehistoric man until today”.
The events occured in the last years impose a special attention to the transport of radioactive material at sea.
Radioactive pollution occurs due to the emission and propagation of radiation in space, capable of delivering chemical and biological undesirable physical effects on living organisms.
Radioactive contamination in the sea has many causes. It could occurs in nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors and radioactive substances. The risk of potential terrorist attacks represents a reality too. If such an incident were to take place, people in the vicinity could be exposed to radiation or contaminated with radioactive materials. The exposed people could seek treatment for radiation exposure or reassurance that their health has not been affected. Most vessels and ports are not prepared to deal with a large number of people who could seek medical assistance in the event of radioactive contamination and possible exposure to radiation.
Measurement of naural radioactivity in soil is very important to determinate the amount of change in natural background with time as a aresult of any radioactive release. Monitoring of any release of radioactivity to the environment is important for environmental protection.
The important radiological concentration consequence of natural radioactivity in soil is the effects of gama rays on the human body. The measurements shows that the values of the absorbed dose rates in air in the investigated area are lower than the recommended limit by the Union Nation Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation – UNSCEAR 2000.

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Author Biography

C.S. Mihailovici

Doctorando PHD, Universitat Politécnica Catalunya, Pla del Palau 18, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. Tel. +34 934017942.