A New Methodology to Teach Numerical Methods With MS Excel

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S. Fernández
José Antonio Orosa
J.J. Galán


Numerical methods are one of the principal tools employed by engineers to solve typical problems that commonly arise at work. These methods are generally only useful when implemented with a computer programming language. Despite this, typical mathematical resources for numerical analysis present an unfriendly environment that prevents a student from acquiring a deeper knowledge of the theory employed to solve each equation and to distinguish between each of the numerical methods in parameters like time and number of iterations. To counter this, the University of A Coruña, in its IV contract program proposed that marine engineering professors define a new educational methodology to implement the learning of numerical methods. Results showed that the principal numerical methods resolution could be solved with Microsoft Excel, where students can attain a higher level of understanding, especially when implemented with graphical representation. Finally, the feasibility of implementing this teaching methodology needs to be analyzed with programming languages like Visual Basic for Applications that when introduced in Microsoft Excel, will allow for better developing the methodology in the future.

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Author Biographies

S. Fernández

University of A Coruña. ETSNyM. Paseo de Ronda 51, Riazor, 15011 A Coruña, Spain.

José Antonio Orosa

University of A Coruña. ETSNyM. Paseo de Ronda 51, Riazor, 15011 A Coruña, Spain.

Corresponding author. Head of Department, Email: jaorosa@udc.es, Tel. +34 981167100-4320, Fax. +34 981167100.

J.J. Galán

University of A Coruña. ETSNyM. Paseo de Ronda 51, Riazor, 15011 A Coruña, Spain.