UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) in light of Maritime Zones Jurisdiction

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Kristofor Lapa
Ermal Xhelilaj


The legal regime and jurisdiction of maritime zones stipulated in the Law of the Sea Convention’s provisions, demonstrates substantial geopolitical, defensive, economic, and political interests for coastal States, Therefore, maritime zones jurisdiction, and its legislative framework in general, reflects a crucial factor towards the resolution of interstate or regional conflicts within the domain of international relations. Therefore, this analytical paper, taken into considerations the aforementioned issue, aims towards a relevant comprehension of the maritime zones implications, particularly the role that maritime boundaries delimitation’ legislation and jurisdiction has towards global or regional conflicts. Subsequently, the authors in this study, underscore that law of the sea’ legal vacuum, lack of legal priorities and ambiguities as well as the implication  and  significance that maritime zones reflect for the coastal States, are the main factors which exert influence  towards prospective interstate conflicts concerning maritime zones’ jurisdiction, particularly as to maritime delimitation process. The maritime zones’ articles stipulated in the Law of the Sea Convention , according to the authors’ opinion, should undergo relevant revisions, and proper legal adjustments should be taken under consideration with reference to provide an effective resolution to this substantial matter.

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Author Biography

Ermal Xhelilaj , University "Ismail Qemali" Vlore

PhD International Relations & Law of the Sea