Maintenance and Repair of Appendixes afloat on ships Fast ferries

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A. Dionis
S. Rodriguez


In this article, we will study the possibilities of changing different appendices of high speed ships, without the need for the ship having to go into a shipyard. This way, we can reduce the costs of fuel, moving to the shipyard where we perform the repairs, reduce the times of entry, the arrival and departure of the ship in the shipyard, as well as saving on the hiring of shipyard personnel, etc. To do this, we must have staff that is prepared in advance, either the ship's own crew or external personnel, for example, experienced divers in this type of work.

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Author Biographies

A. Dionis, Universidad de La Laguna. C/ Padre Herrera s/n. | 38200 | Apartado Postal 456 | San Cristóbal de La Laguna | Spain | (+34) 922 31 90 00 |. Grupo I+D CONSEMAR (Contaminación y Seguridad Marítima). 2Profesor del Área de Conocimientos de Construcciones Navales, UD de Ingeniería Marítima, Departamento de Ingeniería Agraria, Náutica, Civil y Marítima. Tel. (+034) 922316242. E-mail Address:

Unicersity of Cantabria

S. Rodriguez, Profesor del Área de Conocimientos de Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricación, UD de Ingeniería Marítima, Departamento de Ingeniería Agraria, Náutica, Civil y Marítima. Tel. (+034) 922316241. E-mail Address:

Unicersity of Cantabria